Pet Shop Accident..

Julia stared into the salamander tank in horror. As an assistant in a pet shop, Julia had mistakenly put a small salamander in the same tank as a large one. Just as she realized her error, the large salamander attacked and bit off the smaller salamander's leg! Acting quickly, Julia scooped up the injured salamander and put it in it's own tank. She was sure it would die before her shift ended, but she was wrong. Days passed... Then weeks. Every time Julia checked on the salamander she was more amazed at what she saw. What happened to the salamander's limb?

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Process of Cell Specialization and De-Specialization .

Cell specialization is also called Differentiation, which is the process of a cell becoming more specialized. Remember our friend the stem cell and how he could become any cell he wanted if her received the proper signal? Well once a stem cell becomes a red blood cell or a bone cell it's become differentiated. This means that bone cell can only divide to make more bone cells. Stem cells can become bone cells, red blood cells, skin cells, nerve cells and skeletal muscle cells.

De-specialization is when a cell becomes less specialized.  So when a salamander loses his leg that bone cell goes through De-Differentiation. That means it can go back to being a stem cell. A stem cell can even go through Re-Differentiation, meaning that a stem cell can return to only being a multipotent cell.

Before a cell goes through differentiation it's Pluripotent. That means it can develop into most any cell. After the stem cell differentiates it's multipotent.

 Credits of picture to Scientific American

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